Pizza Pages

peep some pages of my zine

Pizza Party was a great success!

You guys had me sweating there for a bit… But then everyone pulled through and we sold a TON of tickets. We were able to pack the room and fill up the bar! It was a dream come true.

We’ll have more pictures soon thanks to the amazing photographer Bountheng!

Another successful show in the books. I got to meet, host, and perform for one of my absolute favorite comics, Aaron Chen. Super cool.

At the show, I passed around an exclusive zine called Pizza Pamphlet. Exclusive to only Pizza Party attendees and to BEAuuUTiFUL PiZZA PaGEs SUBSCRIBERS!!!!

Here is the content of the zine below my friends:

I sliced the tip of my left middle finger off making these zines the morning of the show. It was a worthy sacrifice.

Looking forward to the next one! We have a date set already… NOVEMBER 18TH!


Lately, I’ve honestly just still been watching hella Adventure Time. Like whenever I get free time, I’m binging it…

So this week I’m going to recommend ya’ll some more music again! The following artists are two good friends of mine that are grinding it out, pouring their heart and soul into their craft.


What I love most about Leeway’s work is his clever punchlines and vulnerable lyrics. You feel like you get to know the artist more with every song you listen to. He also has these beautifully shot music videos out, which I absolutely love. There aren’t too many artists nowadays that prioritize releasing music videos.


NINEXCIX makes such great musical choices. Since high school, I’ve absolutely loved the beats he’s produced and those he chooses to rap to. The hooks and melodies to NINEXCIX’s songs are what keeps me coming back. This song in particular is one of my favorites.

It’s such an honor to have friends that make music. It deepens my relationships with them, not only because I get to listen to and engage with one of their passions, but also because I get to see a more vulnerable, meaningful look at what life might be like for them. I get to see a side of their lives that I would not have otherwise seen.

It’s so important to me that Leeway and Ninexcix keep releasing tracks and chasing their dreams. Can’t wait for these guys to blow up.

That’s it for this week folks. Thanks for coming to Pizza Party, for reading my zine, and for listening to my beautiful favorite rappers homies.

May all your dreams and wishes come true <3