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🍕 Pizza Party! Comedy! 🍕
Pizza Party!
Yes. It is finally back. Pizza Party. After three successful and hilarious and yummy shows, we are back for another.
For this poster, I felt like going more of a hand-drawn illustrative route, since the last poster was much more text heavy and used vector illustrations.
Pizza Party at Pinebox, although packed every time, has a very intimate and homey vibe. Lots of people already know each other at the event and many take the opportunity to make new friends. It’s one of my favorite aspects of our show and something that I wanted to acknowledge with this poster. Welcome to a fun, warm, intimate show, with one seat open for you!
This poster was the most frustrating one to make. I usually start by planning the positioning of the text and graphics before completing, but this time I was lazy so I said “fuck it” and started just drawing first. This was a mistake. I had to figure out how to fit all those words in after and it was a nightmare. I think it worked out though.
The biggest challenge was actually the colors. I went through all these options before selecting the final:
They were either too cold, too warm, or not “pizza” enough. I’m happy with the colorway I chose in the end - it’s more “pizza,” still warm, easy to read and the colors are a nod to the last poster.
Pizza Party Present
yohyohoyhohyo to you guys that read Pizza Pages every week - thank you so much! I am always secretly bursting with joy every time one of you references my newsletter in our conversations. I might reply with a “oh thanks for reading it! I’m glad you like it!” but on the inside I’m screaming self affirmations that are too embarrassing to reveal.
As thanks I will always give you guys little discounts and early drops and treats n shit so here is your goodie bag for this month!
Use this promo code for $5 off Pizza Party tickets:
I have been working on this comic for a long time. I’m attempting to animate it and it’s taking a while hahahaha - but just for accountability’s sake and for content, here is the comic i’m working on!
You may recognize this from the Pizza Pages a few weeks ago. It has come to life. Well, not yet. Hopefully I can finish this this week haha. ha.
Recs of the Week
The Prestige
I’ve watched this movie already in the past year, but this weekend I came home to my roommate finishing the last act and I was reminded of how awesome it really is.
The Prestige in one sentence: A movie about two relentless magicians and their bitter rivalry.
That’s all I’m gonna say about it because it’s just too good and anything else would ruin it because everyone should watch this movie with as pure an impression as possible. One of my favorite movies of all time.
That’s all for this week! See you at Pizza Party!
May all your dreams and wishes come true.