The Philippines

I'm on Vacation

Personal Update

Heylo everyone, I am currently on vacation in the Philippines with my friends Sage and Shun! I arrived after a 17 hour flight this past Friday and have been adjusting to my new environment. It’s only been a few days and it’s already one of the most amazing experiences of my life so far. Here are some pictures:

Things I’ve experienced for the first time while in the Philippines:

  • 14+ hour flight

  • passion fruit

  • island hopping

  • being in South East Asia

  • petting beach dogs

  • saw a flying fish

  • DJing

  • guava juice

  • sisig

  • Sy family squid ring chips

  • Asian bidet

  • little fish nibbling on my leg

Things I’m excited to experience:

  • watching (and betting) on cock fighting

  • eating balut

I’m going to try to film a Youtube video while I’m here! I’m a little off schedule but who cares. I have a few weeks off so I’m going to explore and create art as much as I can.


It’s been a bit since I showed ya’ll something silly and dumb, so here’s a low effort comic I made in my bed as I was falling asleep a few months ago:

Recs of the Week

Breakcore - I’ve been listening to this new genre. It’s brain massage music. It’s great for when you want to feel awesome and cool. It’s also good workout music.

That’s all! Thanks for reading :)