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lessons learned, dragons censored, and potato balls
It is a beautiful week. The 4th of July falls on a Thursday, which means that I have a three day work week, and a 4 day weekend Alhamdulillah. I’m going upstate with a few friends - hopefully I have some sketches of the trip to share next week 🙂
This is what I’m drawing at the moment:
Not sure what it’s going to be yet. But I’m using it as an opportunity to get better at drawing clothing folds.
It’s been another week and instagram keeps pushing my shirt video to new accounts! It’s so cool! Lots of artists have been engaging with the content and some have even been following my account which is sick. There’s actually an artist I’ve been a fan of for a while that DM’d me in hopes of collaborating! Hopefully it goes somewhere. You’ll be the first to hear about it if it does.
This week, I had to reassess my considerations around appropriateness. That’s a stupid sentence. So basically I uploaded a comic about my thoughts from when I was 11 years old.
In the comic, I have a couple panels that depict my little dragon. At first, I just thought it was funny and made the panels just a little bit stupider (also since I’m representing a younger version of myself, I felt that I had the ultimate say). But after careful consideration (and my friend Stephen DMing me), I realized that depicting an 11 year old’s noodle is INSANELY inappropriate and weird. I took the post down, redrew the panels, and re-uploaded.
When I make my comics, I am always trying to come from a place of authenticity. I try to make what I think is funny, even if other people might not agree, in order to preserve my originality as an artist. But sometimes I forget to consider how my work might make other people uncomfortable and how that might reflect on me. I want to create unapologetically, but I also want to accurately represent myself and my values in my work. So shout-out Stephen for being a real one and flagging a legit concern. Lesson learned!
I am in the process of developing a content series about memories! Here is the idea:
Our memories are precious to us and unfortunately only exist in our brains and through word-of-mouth. I'd love to provide you with an alternate way of remembering the moments you cherish :)
Tell me a memory (as a voice recording). It can be a funny memory, a sad memory, a memory of a crazy, near-death experience, a fight/conflict you had with someone, a memory that taught you a lesson. Any story you're compelled to tell. But preferably a memory that has no existing video or photo documentation.
I will draw your memory as a comic and overlay your voice onto the panels in a video. I'll try to be as accurate to the story as possible, with some visual quirks. Then, for the second part of the video, I'll give you a call and share the comic with you over screen share! Or I can share it with you in person. Afterwards, you'll tell me how accurate my interpretation was from 1%-100% and point out things that were right and things that were wrong! Or you can leave a takeaway from your experience. Or you can just react and say you like it. Or that you hate it. I hope you like it though haha
Style/content Inspiration:
https://www.instagram.com/aview.fromabridge/?hl=en (https://www.instagram.com/aview.fromabridge/?hl=en)
https://www.instagram.com/boyroomshow/?hl=en (https://www.instagram.com/boyroomshow/?hl=en)
https://www.instagram.com/littlefatboyfrankie/?hl=en (https://www.instagram.com/littlefatboyfrankie/?hl=en)
https://www.instagram.com/subwaytakes/?hl=en (https://www.instagram.com/subwaytakes/?hl=en)
If you are reading this, I’d LOVE it if you could share a memory with me that you’d like me to draw!!!! I’m so so so desperate to start this series but it’s been hard to get timely responses.
If you are interested, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know and fill out this form:
This idea comes from a project I did for my dad. I made a zine for his birthday and in the zine, I drew some of my own memories in the form of comic panels and it was a really rewarding experience. It allowed me to relive the moments again.
Let me know if you’re down! I want to share your story 🙂
This week’s recommendation is papas rellenas:
Yvonne and I were MAD hungry after work one day and we popped into a Puerto Rican spot right by our house and ordered these balls. We didn’t know what was in them. We ate them and I have been thinking about them every day since. So yum guys. Go try these balls yo.
May all your dreams and wishes come true ❤️