mo money mo problems

story progress!


I picked up this beautiful toy this week made by a fellow talented artist named Benn (

It’s called “Frog Escape”.

It’s so cute. You can buy one here. I also have his Monkay toy heh.

Each time I’ve purchased an item from Benn, I’ve gone to his artist studio in Brooklyn and had the privilege to chat with him about his process, inspirations, etc.

When I visited this time, I asked him about the finances behind his projects and what his margins are. In our conversation, he said something that stuck with me: “If you’re making art… you’re gonna lose money.”

Art and money have a really annoying relationship. You need money to live and make art, but money shouldn’t be the motivation behind your art. If it is, then it’s not really art… it’s a product. Art loses it’s magic when it’s made for the masses.

Since I was a kid, I knew I wanted to be an artist. Every time I mentioned this to my parents (or almost any adult), their first response was always “you shouldn’t do that because art doesn’t make any money.” This obviously lit a rebellious fire in me, but my rebellion wasn’t rooted in making art. It was rooted in making MONEY with my art. “You think I can’t make money as an artist? I’ll prove you wrong.”

I concluded that if I was gonna make art, it better be profitable. Because if it’s profitable, then I’ll be validated. My parents will be wrong, and I will be rich, and that means that my art is good. That’s why I started a streetwear brand in college. I prioritized profit over expression. I was wrong.

Benn’s wisdom boboomed my brain. It was liberating to hear an artist that I admire say that it’s okay to lose money making art. Not only is it okay but it’s a given! It sounds obvious in hindsight but it was actually very freeing to me.

I’m ready to start making and spending and making and spending! Booya!

My Story

I made significant progress on my story this weekend. I keep trying to make it small and simple, but its so fun to think of superpowers, subcultures, vehicles, tech, and before I know it I’m world building. So I said fuckit and decided that I would say yes to all my ideas for now. Here’s my mind mush from Sunday night:

My protagonist’s name is Jeej and he has a multi-functional hat. The setting is cyberpunk fantasy.


May all your dreams and wishes come true <3