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This one has rules
Good Morning
Last week’s video was the second episode of my series “memories.” The story was written and voiced by my friend Aavo Reinvald and it is about the one time he smelt a stench that was so stinky, that he remembered it for all his life.
If you have already seen it, because you are an avid instagram user or because you keep a keen eye to my postings, thank you and you are now allowed to read this newsletter further.
If you have not seen it, you are not allowed to read any further.

It is forbidden.
I was so happy with how this episode turned out!! When I first heard the mp3 file of the story, I already knew it would be such a fun memory to draw. From the mystery to the suspicion to the disgust - every part of it was thrilling.
This was my favorite panel from this episode:
I think the suspicious expression is pretty spot on and I like the yellow smell streaks going into the nose.
This was the easiest panel to draw:
and this was the hardest panel to draw:
One very difficult challenge was getting the color right. In the SUBMISSION FORM (where anyone, EVEN YOU, can submit a voice recording of their most cherished memory), there is a section that asks “What color would you say this memory evokes?”

Aavo selected yellow! That’s a great color to choose, especially for a memory about a stinky smell. I had some trouble using it as the main color in my drawings and wasn’t happy with my explorations:
In the end, I decided to use it as an accent color to represent the smell of the rank dead rat. I thought that was a good solution and I was happy with the result.
I called Aavo to share the video and he said
“Exactly how I remembered it. And The yellow as the accent actually makes more sense with how I visualize it anyway.”

There is a lil sneaky detail in the video. From the start, the logo on Aavo’s backpack is an arrow pointing to where the smell is coming from:

I was waiting to see if anyone caught it yet. That’s why it was forbidden for you to read this section of the newsletter if you hadn’t watched the video. If you made it this far, either you caught it and didn’t say anything to me about it, or you missed it. If you are the former, LMK! Was it too obvious? If you are the latter it’s okay. I’m sorry you had to find out this way instead of on your own.
A brain massager song.
May all your dreams and wishes come true <3