Comic about my balls

sneek peak into pizza party content

Something happened

Be safe out there guys… last night, I ran into a rowdy group of hoodlums outside my local dive bar. They were pointing and making fun of passersby, calling them fat or ugly. I knew my time was coming to walk passed them and I was worried they were going to say something about me. I looked up and before they could say anything, I said “HEY. WHAT WILL IT TAKE TO GET YOU GUYS OFF THIS BLOCK”

and they said: “some pizza”

to which I replied:

“That’s perfect because I have a show coming up on April 27th called Pizza Party where I serve pizza and also host a comedy show at the same time. If you use the code pizzapartyhahayeah at checkout, you can even get $5 off your ticket.”

and they said “that sounds actually really fun, we’ll be there. Is there a flyer with the main acts and information about the event?”

and then I said:

They left the block after that. Maybe we see them at the show.

ahaha sorry

Ok let’s get serious now

In preparation for Pizza Party, I always write a few comics to read live. Here is my newest and only comic I’ve made so far since the last show (WIP):


A note on greatness

I once read this powerful and humbling quote in the comment section of a Walkie Talkie Youtube video:

“Greatness is for someone else. You don’t get to experience your own greatness. And if you do…maybe you’re not that great.”

Daniel Arnold

It’s comforting to think that even if I achieve “greatness,” how I feel about myself will stay the same. I wanted to believe this.

And then I went to a Bad Bunny concert.

After performing his first song at Barclays, Bad Bunny stopped and stood in the center of the stage, just looking up at the crowd surrounding him.

He stood like this and looked around for a full minute. The roars of thousands of fans were deafening. He was taking it all in, being present and acknowledging what he was doing, where he was, and who he was. He was most definitely experiencing his own greatness. It was enthralling.

I had never seen this before. It was inspiring and also frustrating. I found myself so envious. It made me feel really weird. “I’ll remember this forever,” I thought to myself.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe he’s not thinking about his own greatness at all. Maybe he’s thinking “I should’ve gone to the baño before this three hour performance, fuck.”


Dis what i’m listening to lately:

Thanks for reading guys. May all your dreams and wishes come true <3