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comic 4 u
sneak peek of my pizza party material
As you know… Pizza Party is THIS SATURDAY!!!! WOAAAHHHHH
It’s gonna be a really fun show. If you’re subscribed to Pizza Pages (this), but still have not gone to Pizza Party (show) for reasons other than the fact that you live really far away WHAT. ARE. YA. DOIN? You sleep. Zzzzzzzz. Time to wake.
This weekend’s show will be amazing - One of my favorite comic artists Grayson Bear will be showing off his work and we’ll have some of your favorite already online comedians, like Sahib Singh, on the lineup. Laughs and laughs galore.
I will also be reading comix - here is one that I wrote yesterday for tha show!

Come see the show! If you haven’t bought tickets already, do so here:
If you remember seeing a discount code here… it’s too late! You shoulda bought tickets when you had the chance. Jk haha

See you there! Here’s a sneak peek of one of our promo videos also haha
so good. pink pantheress.
That’s all guys. Make sure to come to Pizza Party!
May all your dreams and wishes come true <3