beautiful photography

from the party


My beautiful friend and photographer Bountheng has graciously edited and delivered these fantastic photos of Pizza Party.

There are way WAY more but the photo sizes are too large because my bro never skimps. Bountheng really is such a talented photographer. He perfectly captures the essence of the show: warm DIY creative mouth-full-of-pizza type energy. He was WORKING too… he was jumping off the walls to get these shots. His photography perfectly captured my memory of the event and I will cherish these photos forever. Go visit Bountheng’s work right here.

My Project

I’ve been working on a video for a while now. I think I’ll be 100% complete in a week or two - I’ve had many set backs (work, personal projects, moving) and have had to put this on hold many times. But I feel like I’ve made enough progress on it to share some screen grabs!

I CAN’T WAIT to finish the video and share what I’ve been doing. I started this project back in February… some things take time I guess… and some things are greedy and take too much time…


Everybody’s in LA

I had a late night snack on Friday night, a rare treat for an old boy with acid reflux, and put on the Netflix. On the Netflix there was a live stream of this here show so I turned it on and I was immediately intrigued.

This show felt like how I think it must feel like to watch The Tonight Show, but live, in-person, and if it was just slightly underprepared. It’s kinda scrappy and awkward at times, but has a TON of heart as a result.

The premise is that John Mulaney is interested in the city of LA and explores his curiosities with his comedian friends and a few experts. There are short documentary style clips in between segments that highlight more intimate perspectives of the city from its residents. There are also comedy sketches, scavenger hunts, and live call-ins from viewers.

I like the show because it’s extremely well produced. The set, the filming style, and branding are really clean and satisfying. Also John is extremely charismatic and easy to watch. He diverts potentially awkard scenarios gracefully. ALSO it’s kinda weird and authentic.

If you’re cooking or eating or drawing or doing something with your hands while still having space in your brain to use your ears, I recommend putting on this show in the background. Just give it a try, guy!

May all your dreams and wishes come true <3